Saturday, February 23, 2008

Topic #4: Married life vs. single life

Huh, we had some nice time off from our blog discussions, but now it is time to get going again.

Our next topic, married life or single life was provided by Aiman, and here is the information he would like you to look through:,$.asp,,, and

Some of the articles are extremely short, that's why you have more sources now.

You have until next Thursday, February 28 to create your word-list and reply to this blog.

As always, have fun with it,



Yuhan said...

Although I have never experienced marriage life, I believe everyone has a beautiful dream about their marriage life. Some people think that married life is easier and others not. Personally, married life is harder to maintain. The relation between the husband and the wife is the most difficult thing to handle. Once they quarrel sometime, they might want to divorce just like what will happen between boyfriend and girlfriend. However, marriage is different from a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. If the boyfriend and the girlfriend want to break, they may break at the time they decide to. But if this happens between a couple, they have much more problems to consider like the money, house and children. Maybe your wife will make breakfast and talk with you no matter topics you are thinking, but that does not mean that marriage life is better. You need to earn more money for your family instead of earning yourself. And if you are tired and want to sleep, maybe your wife will ask you to watch TV with her or talk with her. But being alone, you can do whatever you can do such as sleep till 2 am, and get drunk. Anyways, in my opinion, marriage is a trouble for me.

HitomiKT said...

Marriage life is a typica and traditional form for an adult. But as people become more and more open-minded,pursuing freedom becomes a trend or to day fashion.I have to admit that marriage life may contain many problems and conflicts. Since there is someone by your side sharing your everything and being influenced by you.So he/she has to react somehow. You may be charged by your wife and things alike.But in my opinion, marriage life is still a good life form.Since marriage life makes both person load lighter burdon of living.And both person will probably not feel longly.There is someone by yor side when you are in trouble. So the marriage life may give both person a kind of support,emotional or subsequential. Two persons living together must make some conlicts but the advantages overwhelm the disadvantages.Most cases marriage life is better.

aPa said...

Most people would say that married life is better than single life. I agree with that. Living in married life makes people understand themselves better. A husband must try to tolerate with his wife and vice versa. People who live a married life share everything that they have with their spouse. Even though at some points, conflits would happen, but they can be overcomed using all the experiences that the spouse have throughout living in married life. However, i am not saying that living a single life is not a good deal. Somehow, single life makes people easier to do everything that they like to do. In fact some people say that single is simple and double is trouble. Thus, either married life or single has its own pros and cons. It depends on us to choose how to live in this world.

rahim said...

For ages, the marriage is on of the tradition that believed has many advantages than disadvantages. For this reason, most of the couples choose to tie the knot after they think they ready. However, in this modern world, institution of marriage is under attack by some people who believe that marriage is an obsolete trend that is unnecessary for the society today. Nevertheless, I still think that marriage is a better choice than a single life. Based on the resources provided by Aiman, marriage has many advantages such as it gives healthier and longer life to the couples and provides strong protection to the children – academically and socially. Furthermore, married people will be financially stable and have the happier life. In my opinion, the most important benefit of marriage is it teach us to be more tolerance, responsible and well-managed. For example, married people have to tolerate to each other in making decision in their marriage. Additionally, they must think about each other in making their personal decision such as making decision about their job. Therefore, they will automatically train themselves to be tolerance. Besides that, they must be responsible to each other and their children. All in all, I strongly disagree with the statements that marriage is just a burden to someone’s life. It is a necessary for everyone to have a better life.

Guanting Pi said...

There are many big differences between married and single life. Each has it's own problems that must be overcome while having similarities. As everyone knows, there are a lot of factors one must consider when thinking about marriage. Friendship, free time, money issues, religion, and selfishness are all issues that should be addressed when choosing your life plan. Marriage is a significant part in most people's life, and there are so many responsibilities involved in marriage life. Unlike single life,
there isn't much room in a married home for selfishness. Single people might tend to be a little more selfish in nature. We may sometimes dream about getting married with a person that we really fall in love with, but getting married is not like making a friend, it's a decision that might totally change your life. I've never got married, and there is a long way from it. in my opinion, marriage is the stage people need and should go through, but you may take the decision seriously.

chino Y.K.Lee said...

To be honest, I really don't care about the statistics or the arguments shown in the articles mentioning which life is better. Most of them seems to be true but each individual have different preferences and you cannot just generalize and say which life is better. Moreover, I cannot say at this point of time which life is better since I have never experienced a married life before and I do not know what the advantages of a married life would be. I guess it all depends on what you want (a quiet life or having a family) and many other factors such as economic issues (wheather or not you can afford to have a family) or maybe religious issues.

Shuang said...

I prefer a single life before the age 30 or 40. It is free and easier than married life. And I don’t need to worry about the responsibilities for marriage. The most important reason is that I don’t want to have a child. It is so hard to raise a child even though parents say the greatest pleasure in life is to have a child. To be a single person, people may feel lonely and miserable. It is not a big deal when they are young, but how about they are older? So marriage is necessary then. I am still not sure if it is true that married people live longer, healthier, sexier, and more affluent lives than unmarried or divorced, but it is a good way to solve the loneliness problem. On the other hand, divorce is not always bad in my opinion. If parents are always quarreling with each other, then divorce is a good choice. If two married people feel unhappy during their life, divorce is a good way for both of them and their children.

Bumseok Park said...

I think that married life is better for one’s life. However, I would like to suggest that I would be better to experience single life shortly rather than not having it at all. If you look at the negative side of the married life, the life could be like a bird in a invisible cage. Basically, you will have to care and worry about your family 24hours and not having time for yourself. It is a happy life that you have your own loving family members who would care and love you for the rest of the life. However, in fact, the time is very limited, even though you are willing to have your own private time to establish what you have dreamed of. Single life gives you the opportunity to enjoy your life as you plan. If you have a dream that cannot be accomplished easily, single life would offer you enough time for it.

Hun Suk said...

There are more advatages that you get from married life than living a single life. first of all, human being cannot live by alone, they always have to interact, and socialize. If you live entire life in single, you would not able to handle the loneless, consequently you could possibly commiy suicide which is not hopeful. If you are married with someone, that means now you have an ultimate company that spouse you in everyways. Thus it is very important to pick a wife / husband when you considerding marrying. There would be some advatages for being a single, for example you don't have to share your income etc. The reason why I stronly recommend married life is because you learn further relationship, and socializing which you could never learn from soceity, or anywhere. Even though I have never experienced marriage, I strongly believe that married life would better than single life.

Jin-Ha Lee said...

I never thought about the single life. It’s pretty much obligatory for sons to get married with good woman and have a stable family in my country. I think single life has many advantages such as you can have more time for developing yourself while others spend their time on looking for their families. Also, you can enjoy your life without the responsibility of supporting the family. However, I think married life is better for people. You have to support your family but also you get support from your family. With family you never feel alone and can be mentally stable. People say having husband/wife means getting into prison that pressures you but in my opinion it is getting another supporter for your life.

Joy said...

I think there are both benefits on married life and single life. on the one hand,in a married life, one can experiment the new life with the other person and can get known yourselves better then before. in addition, a couple can own their own child and have a family. on the other hand, in a single life, you can live your own living style without worrying about your "family members", for example, you don't have to worry about the tuition for the children. In my opinion,living in a single life is much easier because i can do whatever i want without bounding by that much responsibilities. Once getting married, there are too many things to consider about,child, husband..,and due to responsibilities, some people may be afraid to divorced when they should. because they often think there must be something can do to change the other person. finally, they waste too much time on that wrong person.

Leo said...

I think comparing married life and single life is quite interesting since in our society the amount of people who choose either of those two life styles have their own reasons. People who have a married life would acclaim that single life is not fun and not stable. Thus leading people with a single life tends to be more likely having a miserable life. On the other hand, people with a single life would argue that people will be constrained personally in a married life, and they will also have a much heavier money issue since they will need everything for 2 instead of 1. Here are some advantages for married life: Safer from domestic violence, value both adults and children’s life, earn more money, increase sexual fidelity and better sex. For those people who lead a single life, here are the advantages for them: relatively more freedom, more personal space, no family pressure, more time with friends, and so on. Actually the advantages for each side can be seen as the disadvantages for the other side. Based on that, I myself think marriage life is more valuable because “no pain, no gain”. I might lose some personal pleasure but still I will lead a much more stable life! Isn’t that all we need? ---A stable and peaceful life.

Airmizyu said...

The topic of married life and single life is always interesting to me since marriage is one of the major decisions in one’s life. Marriage is a dream of girls, and it has been always attractive to me since I was small. However, there are many benefits to being single also. Living as whatever you wish would be very comfortable. The question of who to marry is as important as when to marry. I do not think getting married in young age is good because I want to enjoy single life for while and also I want to build my career before getting married. I believe that marriage brings many benefits to people. Living with a life partner would make your home warm and comfortable. It is much easier to raise kids with your partner and you will be more financial stable than being single. Building good relationship with your partner will be a key to possess good family.