Monday, September 10, 2007

Topic #2: Global warming

It's time for our second topic: global warming. Your colleague, MinWoo would like you to get acquainted with the following articles before formulating your opinion:,, and

Please, read them through, create your 20-new-word list, and reply to the topic. You can simply express your opinion or reply to one of your colleagues opinion.

Have fun and take care,


jOliEee said...

I really like this topic because this is a very serious problem right now. Each year, the temperature just keep increasing and increasing. The ice is melting, of course, the see level will grow also. According to this fact, some place where has lower see level will be covered by water. Global warming also ruined the weather in the earth. For example, some flowers are not supposed to bloom in winter, but then this happened.
Another example is that there is a group of sepcally jellyfish that only appreas in certain warm water, but people found the jellyfish near Japan. These bad news is waring us to care more about this situation, or few years later, New York will be under the water, and Taiwan and Hong Kong will have no winter at all.

ahilsaca said...
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ahilsaca said...

Global warming is a very interesting topic. Its interesting beacuse its a problem that affects everyone in the world equally. Global warming is not just the temperature of the earth rising. there is also evidence that global warming is making storms (ex hurricane) musch stronger. An example of this is hurricane katrina. Also, i live in Honduras where many hurricanes pass through. This new evidence concerns me bucause if a hurricane does go to Honduras it will be much more powerfull. Therefore causing much more death and destruction. Also in Honduras every several years we suffer from "el nino." Which is just a natural phnemonon were forest fires occure due to extreme heat. If global warming continues, it will only fuel "el nino."

Frank said...

This is a very good topic, it is controversial but I think that everyone is going to have the same point of view.
Global warming is not going to happen, it is happenning right now; so we don not need preventive actions, we need to do something before our worst predictions become true.
The main problem in global warming is, of course, the economic interests; thousands of comppanies are not fulfilling the protocols that have been stablished by their own countries, and they do it complately aware of the damage they are making to the ecosystem.
I believe that the only of avoiding future disaster is punishing these companies that don't respect the Earth.

Eunsol said...

Global warming has been a problem for the humanity since the beggining of the industrialization. We have caused the problem on ourselves and it is an issue to be treated with such importance that we all should be involved in it.
What worries me the most is the climate change due to the global warming. The changes of seasons have been very irregular and the world is getting hotter and hotter as time keeps going on. The icebergs are melting and the sea level has been getting higher.
My opinion is that in the big countries such as the united states or China, where there are the most of the sources that cause pollution, the government should be more strict with the policies about providing a less contaminating environment.

Vatsal said...

Global warming has affected every being on this planet. It is one of the major problems. we know if it continues this way there are a lot of problems we will have to face.But i think it is important to work towards the issue of global warming. It is affecting everyone equally so we all as individuals can contribute little to our environment.

Vatsal said...

Global warming has affected every being on this planet. It is one of the major problems. we know if it continues this way there are a lot of problems we will have to face.But i think it is important to work towards the issue of global warming. It is affecting everyone equally so we all as individuals can contribute little to our environment.

zhang zhuolun said...

Global warming has become a hot topic which is discussed all of world today. People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting warmer and warmer in recent years. Many places where used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced winter without any snow. Besides, more and more drought happen in some African countries, and people without air conditioner can hardly work and fall asleep in summer.
In addition, global warming also bring the melting of iceberg and the increasing of sea level, which makes many countries have the risk of disappearing in few thousands of years. People will suffer more and more natural disaster relevant to global warming.
What we can do to stop global warming is make our effort to decrease the emitting of carbon dioxide, which means reduce the pollution from vehicles, using our real action to change our world

Youngil said...

Whenever I see an article related with global warming, I feel significant responsibility of our generation to the next generation. Depending on how we address this problem today, the destiny of human beings and every types of life on earth in future will be affected globally as the name of problem implies. Fortunately, we now reached a general agreement on the cause of it and put our steps to resolve it.
The scientific solution for this problem can be simple, global reduction of greenhouse gas production. However there are many intriguing problems wound around it since our current life style and interests do not work in favor of reducing greenhouse gas. International agreement and regulation may set the bottom line but can not be a driving force toward a real change. I personally believe that the momentum of change resides in us, which will be reflected on the interests of mass communities and nations later.
There are many warning signs that our current life style is not sustainable for long. Most of all, Mother Nature is giving us very strong indication that its delicate homeostasis is severely damaged and moving toward another equilibrium which foreshadows many unfavorable outcomes. The challenge is how we can stop this transition and bring it back to its stable state. As we experienced, this is very slow process, even it takes decades to figure out if there is a real problem. However, our response can not be delayed anymore. We have to get ourselves ready for the change with individual commitment.

Ray said...

Gloal warming. This term is really popular today. Even a high school students nowadays know what is global warming.

By the term "global warming", it is indicated that temperature around the world arises significantly. One of the factors that we know is greenhouse effect that is mainly caused by carbon dioxide (CO2). The radiation from the sun is not preety much reflected back and a huge amount of radiation manages to penetrate the atmosphere and "warm" the earth.

The result of global warming is really terrible. Many of my friends have said many things above. The film "The Day After Tomorrow" really reflects the result of global warming. The ice from north pole melts and it increases water level around the world. The flood even manages to sink the liberty statue!

Therefore, like Youngil said, we have to prepare for the next generations. The attempts to reduce global warming have to be done, such as: try to reduce the usage of Air Conditioner, plants more trees, etc. Every effort is useful to reduce global warming.

MAUS said...

Global Warming actually is the topic that'd to be discussed.
It has been issued as a serious problem in the world.

In my high school years, I read an article saying more than 80% of Carbon Dioxide is occured by the nature, which can be used up again by them. But, the problem is that people are making extra carbon dioxides; and also they are destroying forests that use up the carbon dioxide. Thus, people are resposible for regulating the lumbering.
To execute preserving environments, people should be aware of the damages nature gain from us.
There are problems such as increase in sea level due to the melting of the glaciers, abnormal behavior/symptoms on living creatures, shift in seasons, etc.
And, this problem will be successed to our next generations. To give them a better era, we should fight against Global Warming.

Hoyun said...

We have heard the global warming usually on the news. In my case, I really did not care about it, because I thought that it might not be harmful. But in these days, I totally believe in the global warming, and now I know that it is very dangerous to our environment and earth. When I was in Korea during the summer vacation, the weather there was very absurd. It was not the season of rainfall, but it occasionally rained heavy. One effect of the global warming is the rising of sea level. There is a hypothesis that many of small islands will be sunk every year because of the global warming. Our enormous usage of the instruments causes the collapse of ozone layer what keeps earth from the ultraviolet rays of sun. We need to give more cares in environment to keep our planet in peace.

grace said...

Over the past several years, public perceptions and attitudes concerning the causes and importance of global warming have changed. people would start talking about this serious issue all the time, and would start doing community services for example, recycling canes and other garbages that are re-generate able as a damage control.
The increased awareness of the scientific findings surrounding global warming has resulted in political and economic debate. Fossil fuel organizations and others have campaigned to downplay the risks of climate change, using different resources to control the increasing pollution or damagae to the earth, hoping that it could decrease the incline of global warming.

okaffati said...

This is a topic that should be of everyones interest. It is a global problem that if not treated, then many disasters may occur. Global warming has always existed. Volcano's emission of carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases, have contributed to a slight change in the earth's temperature due to the green house effect. Even though this is a natural process, humans have accelerated it in an unhealthy way. Earth's temperature has increased rapidly, and has produced many problems that later on will have devastating effects on the planet. The rising of the ocean's, due to melting of polar ice caps, can have devastating effects on counties that have major cites along the coast line. Cooler water in the ocean can cause more natural phenomenas, and more powerful ones. All these problems should be of everyones concern, the emittance of these gases should be reduced to its minimum to prevent all these disasters to occur.

dimanto said...

Global warming has been a major issue for the last few years. As we all know, it can affect all aspect of this planet, from animal, plants to human. Personally, I think that global warming is something that cannot be stopped but can be reduced. We can reduce it by not using things that can damage the ozone layer like carbon dioxide emission and I have read that rocket launching can also damage the ozone layer. So in conclusion, we need to be more aware of our environment, think about the future of our planet and reduce global warming!

Aalaa said...

Fighting global warming has become a really important issue in today's world. There is no debate among scientists about the basic facts of global warming according to a very interesting website I found. The website is and it discusses many facts about global warming. One of the topics that I found very alarming mentioned the dangers of global warming on our health, economy, environmrnt, ecosystems and weather.

Remember the United States 2006 deadly heatwave that lasted for almost a whole month and swept across the whole country? Many studies have proved that global warming had a great effect on causing this heatwave. This is just one of the many effects of global warming.

Yuki said...

I think "Global warming" is good topic to discuss about. It has been one of the most considerable issues among our society, and more & more people has started to be aware of it, especially these days.
Global warming is a problem that has a potential to affect all the living things on the earth; climate change, melting of polar-glacier, sea-level change, possibility of some spicies' extinction, change in ecosystem, and so on. Also, it was caused by human activities, so that we are somewhat responsible for stopping the growth of the problem.
Unfortunately, I do not think that we have any practical solutions to solve the problem. Many countries are now suggesting some solutions; like reducing CO2 emittion, introducing clean-energy source, etc. However, I think the condition of our environment is getting worce and worce.
I do not think that our current effort is meaningless, but we need more powerful provision for them. We need to be aware of the global warming more & more in every scene of our daily lives.
To be aware of the crisis every moment, and take some action; I think that is the only way to overcome the global warming.