Our next topic in line is one that applies to anyone no matter what: family influence in people's life. Zhu, our topic provider selected the following articles for you to read:
http://www.slc.sevier.org/faminflu.htm, and
Please, read them carefully, and post your own comment on the topic. Also, please compile a list of 20 words AND/OR expressions you find in the text that are new or appear in an unfamiliar context.
The deadline for this topic is Wednesday, September 30.
Thanks and enjoy,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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Family influences play a major part in shaping our characters and personal values when we were young.
We were first introduced to the world by our parents. We would learn everything that they taught us to do and not do anything that they forbade us to do. Our parents would show us the set of moral values that they wanted us to have when we grew up and we would receive all these information with no sign of rejection. Moreover, we would adopt the way that our parents behave as we would learn by following when we were young and knew nothing. Thus, the shaping of a child is normally the shadow of their parents. However, as the child interacts with more people and ideas when they enrolled in school, they start to develop their own thinking and the set of values that they deemed were right. This would then be the time that they would start to question and compare themselves with others. If they discovered that they do not like the way they were, they would try to change themselves. For example, an introvert boy who felt that he wanted to have more friends and the only way to do it was to become more outgoing. Thus, he would try to change himself to become a more extrovert child. It is good to change for the better however changes should be carefully monitored by parents. However changes were hard to make, the character or thinking of a child was inoculated to him when he was young thus bringing great difficulties when a child tried to change it and normally the rate of succession is low unless the child met with certain impactful experiences that changed their lives. This utterly displays the importance of family influences on a child.
I agree with Xin. I believe that family take tremendous part in our life. They are always there for us. Whenever we are sad,tired,loney, and glad, they are always with us. Also, we can learn numorous things from them such as communication skills, social skills, and manners. They are not only a good teacher but also great guardian. Family is kind of a shield that protect us from the harm. They are responsible for their family members and their love is beyond words. However, negative influence can occur too. I believe that everything in the world is reciprocal. So does family. If only one side support the other, the positive influence won't occur. Instead, that will make each of them suffer.For me, family is a excellent prop that support me.Especially, whenever I have hardtime with cultural differences and languages in U.S.A, family encourage becomes great assistance.
The concept “family” is very important to me. I grew up in a catholic family that is why the family is the most important thing in the world. My parents taught me how to become the person that I’m right now. That is why I’m a person that supports the idea that the family is the first and most important influence that a person has. The family influences how to talk in public, how to dress, and how to make a decision. The influence is because you life with your family for many years and you acquire the habits and the way of thinking of your parents. For example, I’m a person that walks and eats very fast because both of my parents are doctors. For this reason, they need to eat and walk fast because they need to be available at any time. I acquire that habit because I spent my whole childhood with my parent. Another example is in my way of thinking, as my father, before making a decision I analyze the situation from a philosophical view.
Family plays a vital role in a person’s life for sure. The children got the early education from born at the family environment that is quite important for the future of the student. When we are young, our parents taught us the basic living skills that made our life possible. We started to know the world from the first sight of our family member’s conversation. If there were only one thing we can rely on, it should be the family. We could tell our relations our happiness and suffering. Whatever our family could do, we will always feel satisfied. When mentioned the topic, we all have a lot to say and many thoughts in mind. But the impacts of the family to us are all beneficial could never been agreed. We all simulated hesitated the family living habit in the aspects of behaviors and thinking style. Some of them were good for us, but some need to be improved. Even though the family could influence a person’s development to some extent, the person has his or her own responsibility to build their own characteristics.
I cannot agree more that family has great influence on children’s growing and developing. I consider family to be the most effective factor on my physical and mental health. I think my parents exerted a huge influence on my character shaping. I can well remember that when I was about 7 years old, my father took me to our new house one day. In front of the house, there was a flight of step that hadn’t been fixed up yet. I thought they could not be called steps because they were just a slope. I crept up the slope with my hands and feet. However, when my father saw this, he became so angry that he ordered me to release my hands in a severe voice. I was forced to run up and down through the slope for many times. He did not allow me to leave the slope until he was satisfied by my performance. Although I was aggrieved and sulky at that time, after several years, I could understand why he was so angry at that time and what his purpose of the order was. He did not want me to be a coward. This experience really has a big influence on me. Family influence is always affecting children’s development in a potential way.
Family really play an important role in one's life. We can always find some characters or behaviors from a person, which were inherited from his parents or siblings. However, here I don't want to describe my opinion about how family affect a person's life. I prefer to tell my feelings about family. To everyone, family is a destination. No matter what people want in their careers, finally they became not so meaningful as they were. But one thing that won't change forever is family. Your family members always support you no matter what you do. It encourages you to go every step in your lives. Human beings are emotional animal. They need to be loved and cared by others. Family is where they can achieve genuine love which doesn't related to any benefit. Although there exist lots of inequity in today's society, one fairness is that we all have chance to have parents, lover, offspring and sibling. You can show of your wealth or talent, but you can't show off your family.
The meaning of family is not only what we can get from it but also what we can give to it. That is one's responsibility to his family. We are influenced by our families, and at the same time we influence our families. That is some kind of symmetry. Is it magic? I have to say 'yes'.
It seems that everybody agrees that family plays a significant role in shaping our personalities and character for life. Actually, I find the term “influence” inappropriate for describing this important role. If I would give a visual example or description of this role, I would say that a young child is like a piece of clay between two hands, the father and the mother, and they shape him as they like. The more skilled the hands, the better child they get. Those marks and shapes that parents leave on the child, in many cases, remains forever and are hard to change. I can’t imagine how someone would grow, have a personality or identity without undergoing the parents affect. Therefore, for those who are fortune to be raised in a family, they should value and respect that fact. Moreover, they should forget and forgive the unpleasant experiences that they may encountered by their parents. Either do it now or wait to have children and understand how hard it is to raise a human being.
When it comes to family, some words just came into my mind, including happiness, support, comfort and warmth. Since we spend a lot of time in communicating with our family, almost everything that we learn as a child comes from our family. Just as the first article said, “The way in which we are raised truly can determine the way that we live our lives as adults.” I think this is because we stay with our family in our earliest stage, where changes happen easily on ourselves. During that stage, we simulate what we see unconsciously. We hold an opinion that our parents always do the right thing. It just should be done in their way. Why do children think that their parents are always right? It is because they barely have opportunities to compare the behavior between their parents and others. Learning from their parents is the only resource. For example, when I first went to my classmate’s home, I found many different habits between her family and mine, including the dinner time, the way they answer the phone and family rules. All these different things illustrate that family really influences people a lot.
As for me, my family creates a friendly atmosphere for me, which gives me the idea that the world is a nice place to live. What’s more, most of my behaviors are just like my parents. But as time went by, some of my behaviors were changed. As I grow up, I spent more and more time in chatting with my friends. Then, I got changed unconsciously, including the way I talk to others and the attitudes toward my life. Thus, this changes show that even though family influence people a lot, there are still many factors which may change people in the later stage of their life.
Hmm, I guess people already said I what I wanted to say...
So, I am going to start by telling a story about a pair of identical twins from my Sociology textbook. The case did a great job illustrating how family and social experiences took precedence over biology.
Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr were identical twins born in 1932 to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. They were separated as babies after their parents divorced.Oskar was reared in Czechoslovakia by his mother's family, who was a strict Catholic. When Oskar was a kid, Hitler annexed his area,and Oskar learned to love Hitler, to hate Jews,and he joined the Nazis.
Jack was raised in Trinidad by his father. Opposite than his brother,he learned loyalty to Jews and hatred of Hitler.
The twins got back together in their forties, and the researchers found out that they held different attitudes toward the war, Hitler, and Jews, and their basic orientations to life were different. As twins, Jack and Oskar should have the same genes.Therefore, the differences should be the result of the family and environmental differences.
From that case, we can see our experiences in the family are really intense that their influence is lifelong. The first thing we contacted with was family, and we learned our beliefs, values, initial motivations and life expectations from our family. And it shaped our personality when we imitated our parents' behaviors.
In sum, family is the primary source that a newly born baby learns how to be a part of the society, how to think, and how to react with situations around us. We can even study a person's family by observing his or her behaviors.
I believe that family plays a vital role in shaping who we are as a individual. It is evident that everything we learn as a child comes from parenthood and how we react with our parents. Our parents went thought the concept of living and the ways to blend and deal with society, for they are exposed to a vast amount of perspectives and experiences. It has came to known as a fact that environmental influence is the major tool that shapes who you are as a distinctive person. Not too long ago a research was done by the psychology department on the influences of a person’s character and simply the way to behaving. It showed that environment was the number one factor that determined the characteristic and behavior of an individual. The term environment is defined as everything that pertains to the growth of an individual, including surrounding environment, and family influences. All in all, i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Family is a union that we forever join in our life.
Family has its good impact on people if the family is fully filled with love. In the society, we need to be prudent all the time in order to protect ourselves from others’ harm. But in the family, we can be totally relaxed because we don’t need to be careful about our family members like father and mother. The biggest hope of them is our happiness. They prefer to harm themselves if they are forced to harm their loving relatives. The love from our family especially our parents is unconditional which worth cherishing. With the power of love from family, we can improve ourselves in a better person.
Some families however have negative influence on people. I have met some people who are extremely suspicious. After talking with them, I found they have a family which is not in harmony. They have seen their relatives lie, quarrel, and fight with other family members since they were very young. Their minds are full of human’s bad behaviors, so they think all people in the world are unkind. This influence from family is serious.
In my opinion, no matter what kind of family we have. Don’t curse fate if we have an unsatisfying family. Don’t blame our relatives even you feel they are mean to you. Show our unconditional love to every member of our family no matter they are good or evil because Family means being the right person but not finding the right person.
I think all my peers agree that family is very important to them, and of course I can’t deny how family plays a significant role to a person’s growth, and I am a good example on that. Being the only child of the family, I have all the love and attention from them, especially my mom and grandparents. I am really spoiled by them. I never need to do any housework at all and my mom does all the cooking as well. I don’t have to worry about anything until reality hit when I first came to Purdue on my own. I see a parallel in myself as I read the third article of a blogger who mention how college kids don’t even know how to do the laundry.
I remember the very first day I moved into my dorm room, my roommate’s mother helped me to make my bed since I did not know where the flat sheet, fitted sheet and bed skirt should go. Later on, I dragged my friend to the laundry room with me because I have never operated a washing machine before. My roommate taught me how to iron my clothes when she saw me attempt to unwrinkled my shirt by stretching it.
However, as time goes by, I learn to take care of myself. I have to look for apartment off campus because I do not want to stay at the residence hall, I learn how to tidy up my messy room, I try to cook something really easy so I do not starve myself to death and I take care of all my utility bills. There are a lot more things that I have to learn than my friends since I was so used to my mom doing them for me in the past. But now I am confident to say that I am a lot more independent than I was one year ago. You may think that my family does not give me a very positive influence by over protecting me, but I think they are just trying to give me all the love they can before I have to face the world on my own.
Boys and girls watch their parents very closely when they are growing up. They learn how they are supposed to act as an adult. Young girls watch theirmothers, see how to interact with men, and how they are supposed to treat their own children. If they see someone behaving in a responsible, strong manner, they will learn those behaviors. If they see a mother who is afraid of her husband/boyfriend or who puts his needs above her children, they learn a sense of unimportance and feeling insignificant.
The father/daughter relationship plays an equally significant role in a woman's development. It is the foundation of how she sees herself, where she learns how men treat women, how to feel respected and handle fears. If the daughter is lucky enough to have a father who talks to her openly, and capably expresses his own feeling, she receives a wonderful foundation for having healthy future relationships with men.
Young boys want their mom's approval and attention. They watch their fathers relate to their mothers, and seeing how they treat them impresses the sons about their own future relationships with women. Boys want the same attention from their fathers. The man who withholds his love and emotions from his son raises a man who cannot share his own feelings with others, and may feel insecure in relationships or never find a successful one.
As the articles said, I also believe the family influence on people greatly. Even though friends can be really close, but they cannot make a bit impact on a person as much as the family members can because family members have been providing the affection and social circle since or even before they were born. Family members are the one who think and act the most similar to you than anyone else in this world. Therefore, they are very strong bonds in the family. However, not all the people are that lucky enough to get enough love from the family.
Little kids who have been beaten up by parents accumulate the anger inside themselves. At an unconscious moment they show that inner anger compulsively. For example, I read from an article that a guy, who hits people when he’s drunk, had an unhappy family life. This shows how important the family is.
Family life is really important because every family builds up a society, a country, and the world. These days, because of the fast pace of life, many people can’t enjoy the family life as much as before. Spending time with family members is priceless because it gives precious memories along with good preparation for the society outside. When I was young, on every weekend my family used to play the badminton and climb the mountain. That’s really good memory to me now.
When I was in Korea over the summer, I felt a little bit bored to be with my family everyday for more than three months, but as soon as I got on the bus to go to the airport, I started missing them a lot. Like there is a proverb saying, ‘You never miss the water till the well goes dry’, when the family members pass out or gone for some reason, people realize how important they were. When the family members are together, they should slow down a little bit and cherish every moment. Remember.. family members are the one who will always be there no matter what happens to you.
Right from the time we are born we are influenced by our family. We are taught to do the right thing. Our family influence our life. Everything our parents do becomes an example for us. For instance if our parents drink in front of us, it is obvious children will start drinking too. My family has had a lot of positive influence on my life. They have always taught me to tell the truth, fight for the right, never get into any wrong influence. I have faced a lot of problems in my life where, what my parents have taught me has always helped me to overcome these problems. My parents always had the trust on me and therefore sent me to USA for studies. Many I times I fell into bad company and all of my friends started to drink and smoke. I was also very curios but never tried, only because of the influence of parents, I knew they would not like this. As a consequence I changed my friend circle. I never did anything that would make my parents hurt. This is what family influence means to me. It brings our family more close. I love my family.
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