Sunday, February 8, 2009

Topic #4: Money - good or evil?

Tamzid said the topic of Money - good or evil? would be interesting to discuss, and you agreed with him. So here is our next topic with the following articles to read through. Now, I want to forecast that there are more than the usual 2-3, but most of them are short, and the last one is more of a fun way of looking at the topic. So here they are:,,

the other side of the coin:,

... and just for fun:!.html.

The assignment is the same as always, so please, enjoy. The deadline for this topic is Saturday, February 14.



MM said...

Money should not be weighed on a scale of good or evil. It is something much bigger than that. Before concluding what money is, we should define it and its need. It is an incentive that people would like to attain after achieving certain acts of labor. Apparently, the problem with money is that people have now think of it is a source of happiness. It may sometimes act like a drug that would impair peoples’ judgments. And for that reason, I believe it has developed to become a “source” of Evil. It has caused people to perform heinous acts and act in ways unimaginable. Money has also been correlated with power. Where the person with the largest paycheck is the person with all the authority to control and manipulate those around him.
It is true that people sometimes perform acts violence, which are driven by other reasons than money. But that does not imply or exempt money from being anther source of violence that drives people to act improperly. The problem with money is that people that don’t have seem to look for it, and the people that have it seem to want more if it.
The energy that seems to drive people to get up every morning from bed, go to school and work is money. So if that is not such a good of a reason to convince people about the evil behind money, then I do not know what is. But again money is not evil, it is a “source” of Evil.

Tianyu said...

In itself, money is neither good nor bad. Whether money is evil or not totally depends on people’s attitudes towards money. To an idealist, money is neither good nor bad because he does not really care about money. To a mentally healthy actualist, money is like a basic tool in daily which can enable him to lead a better life. However, if money is used by those mentally disordered people, money will be evil. They thirst for money, using all the methods to get it. They spend their money extravagantly just to show that they are wealthy and above everyone. I don’t think that money can’t make life happier. In the first article, the author wrote: They devoted more time to working, commuting, childcare, and shopping and were under more stress and tension than those in lower income brackets. and use it as the evidence of those with higher incomes having less fun. It is so funny because he confused the cause and the result. It is because they devote more time to working, commuting, childcare, and shopping, they get more money. It is like a scientist devoted all his life to discovering a now theory and then he got a lot of money. You can say that his life is not so easy and happy as those cleaners or painters, but you should know that he sacrificed his own happiness to help the society go forward. We should respect these kind of people not laugh at them, thinking that for money, they get more chores and less fun. I hope that everyone regards money is evil can improve your attitude towards money:
First, be perfectly honest to yourself with regard to money and to the amount you want to acquire in life. Pretending that you don't care about money when you really do will only make you unhappy. Second, begin today to think about all the wonderful things that you could have in your life if you had more money. Then, begin to think of all the things that you could do to increase the amount you earn and the amount you keep.
Why we still donate money for the children in Africa to fight for malaria if money can’t buy health? Money is not evil if we can change the attitude to it.

Xue Cao said...

In my opinion, whether money is good or devil depends on two aspects. First, it relies on how rich you are. As far as I am concerned, I’m a poor college student, so I think money is really good and important to me. A lot of people live in low-income level, so they think money is the most significant thing and money is the best thing they want to get. In the contrary, if you’re really rich, you can spend 1 million on a car. You never care about the money and you probably never think whether money is good or not. Second, the most important, is your attitude on money. Some people earn just a little, but they view happiness as harmonious family, friendship, not a great deal of money. They don’t want to get money which is not earned by themselves, they treat that money as devil. All in all, money itself is neither good nor devil. Your attitude is decisive.

Jung Whan Han said...

Money is a medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity such as gold, an officially issued coin or note, or a deposit in a checking account or other readily liquefiable account. We need them to keep order in the world. Good or evil is not right scale for it. Result might show that some high paid workers spend less percent of their time on passive leisure activities, but think about this, high paid workers will work harder, they have to dedicate more time on work. That is reason why they paid more. Personal happiness is not based on money; it is based on personal satisfaction. Questioning money is good or evil will belong to how it is going to be used or earned. Some people try to obtain wealth by any means; on the other hand, people work hard and get paid. People like you and me might be good or evil, but not the money itself.

Arief Purnoko said...

Money is a standard in trader system and payment. In this topic I would like to say that money is good thing. If we see the problem in context of efficiency money can be considered as good because it made transaction system between each party easier. Then if we see money as a lust or desire sometimes it’s good because we want to work harder to get more money but the method to achieve that is different. One thing that makes money become evil is things that someone wants to buy or to use with money which is our need. Our hunger need to be satisfied with money because it’s the trader system in the world and everybody looking for it. The desire is evil not the money because money is system and a thing. In overall, actually money can’t be considered good or evil but myself will considered it as a good thing.

dcasanov said...

Saying that money is good or evil is not appropriate. Money is just the tool human have stated to acquire material things that have a certain value. Happiness and healthy living can be reached by the way you develop your experiences and the way you interact with world around you. That is, money can just help you to be happy, but it is not the good thing. Someone can be happy living in Costa Rica let’s say, but if he does not have the money to move there then his idea to reach something good cant be achieved. But that specific fact can ruin what he wants to reach, that is, other facts can make a person happy too. What can be classified as good or evil is what you do with your money, how you invest it and what you with it. Bad can be to use your money to kill people, good could be to use it for charity. Everything depends on the ethics and moral and person has and how he or she manages it.

dcasanov said...

ha, a lot of people did not noticed the due date!

Andre Richard said...

Money is good. I cannot think about living everyday without money, going back to the old goods trading time, barter. Money is a recognized and fast exchange material that allow people to conveniently buy things and do a lot more other transaction. Despite all these benefits, money has the tendencies to be the reason why people go to do cruel things like robbery and theft. Nonetheless, even before money system was invented, these cruel things have already existed. money is not the reason for those, but it is down to the nature of man. Money is what I believe to be the factor supporting my drive to achieve my dream. Not money for myself, but also for others, my parents. Everybody cannot object the fact that money is an indispensable part of our life.

Shangyan Li said...

In my perspective, money is not good or evil no matter by itself or when it's being used by someone for something that is able to be put in one fence. It is more of a simple tool for people or party to achieve their goal, either good or evil, and not the reason or motivation of their pursuing after the goal. For example, if someone who does not like this world may be very wealthy and he/she would probably subsidize some terrorists and may help a lot in their next terrible action. This would be considered evil, however, it is not because he/she is rich or the money is evil. Meanwhile, if he/she is poor, he/she may "sacrifice" as a "warrior" to actually participate in the next action, that may result in evil out-comes as well. But that doesn't mean money is good so someone with little money would do this, it is merely because the person's dislike of this world.
Meanwhile, it is really hard to judge other's feelings and thoughts if you don't have the same amount/lever of $$$ as them. This fact makes it even harder to judge if the money is good or evil.

All in all, I don't think it is an appropriate question at all.