Monday, October 22, 2007

Topic #7: Gun control

Here comes our 7th topic: gun control. Your colleague, Alan suggested this topic, and he would like you to read the following information related:

1.Gun politics in the United States

2.Gun Control vs. Gun Rights

3.Weapons Policies Under Fire
This article can be accessed through the library website the following way: -> type in the search engine "Weapons Policies Under Fire" -> click Search -> Search Databases -> Results -> go to OmniFile FT Mega (Wilson) or Research Library (ProQuest) View -> the first article will be the one under this title proposed by Alan to be read -> click Find it Purdue Libraries or Full Text -> it will give you the list of Electronic texts.

Let me know if you are unable to get in.

Well, you will have until next Monday (Oct 29) to make your voice heard.

As always, have fun,


Eunsol said...

Gun control is a big issue for the world as it is for the United States. Innumerable number of civilians has died because of the uncontrollable guns that are available for all of us if we really tried to get it.
It is legal for the citizens of America to own fire weapons with proper documents and therefore there are a lot of civilians that own guns. America relatively has a high gun-shot deaths compared to other nations where guns are illegal. I think it is a dumb idea to allow the people to have a right to own a gun in the first place. No one and I mean no one should be able to own any kind of fire arms and therefore there won't be as many shootings and deaths as there are right now. I know that there would be still illegal guns left and that they will be somehow distributed to civilians illegally. However, if the citizens do not own guns anymore, it’s less of a problem and the government could focus entirely on banning the illegal fire weapons.

Vatsal said...

A Gun has been a symbol of power and masculinity since ages, hence men need guns and other armaments to show their importance in society. Most of the men in all the countries, especially the ones with some political power need such arms for their personal protection. Although, the government does provide them with security, they need such arms for their own interests. such activities where people keep arms for their own interest should be banned. if the arms license are stopped being given to the citizens, gun-shots in the world be greatly reduced. Only high officials should be allowed to keep arms for the safety of the people and the country.
If such a situation is maintained, crimes, gangs, shoot-outs will be controlled and hence people can live a safe and a peaceful life. People will not loose faith in one-another and a sense of brotherhood will be promoted. the entire environment will be safe and the integrity of the government will also be maintained.

jOliEee said...

According to the America Constitution, all the citizens in America can legal have gun in their houses. Sometimes is too dangerous for people to have gun in the houses or carry with them because it might be caused some tragedies. For example, in the article, it mentions about John F. Kennedy assassination; and there were lots of school shooting events, but there is an event that happened not too long ago, the Virginia Tech event, which is another school shooting event. A student who had a gun killed about 32 people in the school, which was very scary. The government should set a limit to whom in certain job or age and hold gun with them or in the houses. The welfare that the government give to the US citizens to be able to carry gun in the houses is for people to protect themselves or hunting habits, not for killing. American citizens should care more about gun control, so that they are able to stop tragedies.

zhang zhuolun said...

This is a controversial issue about whether people should have right to keep guns. Some people hold the idea that everyone should have the right to hold a gun, because we live in a democratic country, while others have the contrary opinion about this issue, they think people can not hold personal guns, which will bring hidden trouble and danger to people’s ordinary life.
In china, people having guns is illegal, I think this is not only a difference on legal but also a cultural difference between china and us. In us, people advocate freedom and democracy; they think they can have guns and bullets, because this is their own right, may be which is one of reasons why there are so many campus shooting in us. On the other hand, in china, people first consider that it will bring unsafe elements to whole society; they think it is unreasonable and should not be allowed. You can see the different concept between two different countries.
Personally, I agree with the second opinion that people should not keep guns, if everyone has a gun, it will be a tremendous safety problem to whole society.

MAUS said...

I will be straight.
Gun HAS TO BE controlled.

Government or people possessing guns must realize that gun possession takes a huge part of crimes that occur.
Humans are impulsive on something, which depends on people. Some people kill impulsively, and gun is very good assistant for them.
Remember the tragedies happened in America because of guns; year 1966 in Texas, 14 people died and 31 people were injured, and Virginia University event in this year April, and some shooting events in High schools. All those events occured because they had access to guns.
It is true that there are crimes (staring at murdering) even without guns. However, gun lets possessor to execute genocide. What do you think is better?
No access to guns and less people get killed, or access to guns and more people get killed?
I prefer no guns, hence i think government are seriously responsible for this matter.

Ray said...

I can't believe that the government let citizens to possess guns and firearms. Guns are really dangerous especially those who haven't received enough training how to handle it. Many of them misused it for crime and killed other people. When they are pissed with others, they could just pull out their guns and shoot them.

Unlike most countries, United States allows the possession of gun with certain requirements. We can see that even in Walmart, guns are sold for those who have proper license. As we can see, many incidents occurred because of these almost free weapons. The case in Virginia Tech, for example, showed that even an "anxiety disorder" student could possess a weapon. Many years ago, there were also cases where some high school students did a shootout because they are inspired by the games.

Judging from many issues that have happened, I think it's necessary for government to reconsider the law of weapon possession, especially the law that enable civilians to have weapon in their possession.

Franc said...

The laws about guns change very much among the different countries. Here, in the United States there is not a single point of view, in fact each state has its own laws about weapons. In Spain, you can have firearms if you have permission but you cannot use them unless you are in place specifically designed for that (shooting clubs or hunting reserves). Obviously, the use of a firearm out of these circumstances is punished.
I am not really decided about this issue. I believe that firearms are really dangerous; and giving the right of owning a firearm to the people could result in disaster. On the other hand, having a gun under your bed that can protect you and your family from an intruder is something really positive. I have hunting rifles (two Zori’s and one Blaser) because my father and I went hunting; but, in other hands, these rifles can be used to kill people as well. I think that it is almost impossible to wipe out guns from the homes but a though control is really important in order to avoid disaster like the one in Virginia.

dimanto said...

possessing a gun in a house in my opinion is a very bad decision and also not educative for the children. First of all, I can't see the use of possessing a gun in a house. I understand that we should be able to protect ourselves but i don't think a fire arm would be the answer because that dangerous weapon can take someone's life in just a shot. possessing other kind of weapon such as a baseball bat or maybe a shock gun would be more reasonable because even if someone misused it, it would be hard to take someone's life with that kind of weapon.
We can all still remember the Virginia Tech massacre when a guy took 32 people's lives and several weeks ago when a 14 year-old boy brought a gun into his school and shot his friends.
We do not want that to happen again so I agree if gun and fire arms should be controlled.

Youngil said...

One of the impressions that I get from the culture of the U.S.A. is the safety issues. People usually wear helmet even when they ride a bike for a short distance. When a school bus stops for kids, the cars on both lanes cannot pass over the bus. Police cars are every where to catch one who violates speed limit or sit belt law. Fire trucks are running every where in response to any kind of accident. The workers are wearing all kinds of protection equipment including goggles, jackets, and gloves. The U.S.A. is the nation of safety, and that is good things to learn form this country.

On the contrary, there are a lot of things that I cannot understand from this nation of safety. Certainly, gun issue is one of them. So many areas that police cannot reach its influence, which make it extremely dangerous to walk around some unfamiliar towns. The joggers who are running on a road side where the speed limit is over 40 mph. There are many more things that the U.S.A. is not successful in establishing good practices.

These issues are highly related with the culture and history of a nation. Maybe it is hard to establish good gun control practices for now, but it should not be blocked by the culture or history, and it should move on to the right direction.