Huh, we had some nice time off from our blog discussions, but now it is time to get going again.
Our next topic, child abuse was provided by Sol, and here is the information he would like you to look through:,, and
You have until next Monday (October 22) to reply to this blog.
As always, have fun with it,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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My interest in the topic of Child Abuse has been growing since I read the book "From Me to We" which is a book that tells about a guy who went to the eastern Asia and found out the poor conditions that the children were living in. According to the explanations made in that book, children are exploited and treated with no care. Children that should be running around the play ground and learning in primary schools are working more than the adults and they are not even fed appropriately.
There are many types of abuse to children but in my opinion, child labor is the type that many of us should pay more interest into. It is not fair for children that young to be working like slaves and never have the opportunity to be nurtured and cared when they have to. In the other side of the world, where we are, we may not realize what is going on in non-developed countries and the inhabitants of those lands. However, as citizens of the planet Earth, we all should pay more interest into the child labor topic and eventually put strength together and actually do something about the situation and try to stop the abuse.
About the issue of child abuse, two facts are bothering me. The first one is that the adult who abuses a child is usually someone the child knows and is supposed to trust. Especially, many of the sexual abuses are committed by well known or close family members. The second one is that many child abusers were themselves victims of abuse. It is horrible to know that those fearful experiences are inherited from generation to generation. I think these two facts are the very sad aspects of child abuse, which make me think about the human nature again or make me feel that something serious is missing in our common understanding about the way to treat a child.
Personally, I do not absolutely disagree with the idea of corporal punishment, the use of physical force for the purpose of correction or control, however, at the same time I have not a good idea how much of these kind of traditional way of discipline should be allowed. Since I am raised under the educational system that allowed corporal punishment, it makes me a bit confused about the right way to punish a child. Traditional way is not always the way to follow if there is a room for correction or improvement, and I absolutely do not want to be a victim of maltreatment who commits the same mistake.
Child abuse is a common news from before till now because long period time ago, the child labor does exist. They force children to do lots of carry on things, and if they think the children are not hard working enough, then they will hit them. In this time of period, most of child abuse is about sexual abuse. Most of the time, those kids who get sexual abuse that they don’t really know what is going on, but when they grow up, this small event might affect them a lot, it might even change their personality. Sometimes it is hard to think that why adults will do this kind of bad things to the children. The children are too weak to say no to the adults. That’s why sometimes our parents tell us that do not talk to strangers or get the things from them, even we should be aware of the relatives. There are some helpline to help the kids when they are in this kind of situation. And people should care more about this problem in order to protect their own children.
Child abuse has been increasing in recent years. That’s because, as ties are weakened in the extended families, those who didn’t learn how to raise children from their own parents don’t know how to interact gently with their children. Unable to control themselves, they lash out at their children, and sometimes the abuse results in death.
Many people who abuse their children were abused in the same way by their parents. In many cases, these parents don’t have any friends or relatives to go to for help and advice.
There have been many cases where children have died when their parents left them in locked cars on b hot summer day. Some parents leave their children in the car while shopping or playing arcade games. They need to learn that this can be very dangerous.
Child abuse is one of the most terrific acts that can be done. It is always hard for me to believe that adults can do such things toward weak and powerless kids. Does humanity still exists inside their hearts? I want to respond to this issue from two perspectives.
First perspective is from the kids themselves, especially their child. When I was still in the third grade of elementary school, I had a friend who was actually pretty (sorry) insane. She acted really funny, laughed by herself, and did many weird acts. After the third grade, she just disappeared, probably moving to the other schools. When I actually asked her friend, her friend said that she actually became like that because her parents used to abuse her. That story really surprised me since I had ever seen her mom and she looked fine. I really can't imagine what her future will be. There are others who have experienced the same issue like her. They are sexually abused, treated inhumane, etc. I'm pretty sure they will be facing a hard life if they aren't treated psychologically.
The second perspective refers to the parents. Observing from my mom, parents get stressed frequently due to many burdens that they hold responsible. However, that is not an excuse. Child is not the place to release the stress. However, what mostly happens is the otherwise. Many parents release their stress to their kids whenever the kids don’t do what they ask. Sometimes, even the kids are scolded without any reasonable reason. They also hit their own kids. Many of them mistake the difference between corporal punishment and abuse. They consider their acts of hitting as a part of discipline learning.
Whatever the reason is, child abuse is a violent act. It shouldn’t be done without any reason. Even a corporal punishment has its own limit. It must not make child traumatized. The act of abusing child is a violation of law and the abusers should be imprisoned for a long time since they not only hurt child physically, but also emotionally.
Child abuse is evident in most of the corners in the world in some or the other form. Child labor is practiced a lot in my country. Factories connected with fireworks, chemicals and such hazardous materials employ kids. This is mostly done in and around the industrial areas. The kids have very little idea about the kind of work they are doing and their salary. This sort of exploitation should be completely banned by one and all. All the people should realize that this sort of treatment is not ethical and these kids also have a right to study, be taken care of, eat proper food.
Child abuse is one of the worst that can happan and the people who do it are the worst kind of people. Child abuse is excatly what it is. People abusing the rights of children. Back in honduras there is a diferent type of child abuse. Unlike here were most children are abused sexually, back home children are exploited to work. Since most of the population live in poverty most of the kids are forced to drop out of school and work in order to maintain the family. Here children as old as 5 years old are forced to work on the streets selling what ever they can in ordere to survive. I feel really bad watching these kids being abused beacuse they are not having a normaol childhood. Kids that age should be at school learning and playing. Not working on the streets.
In these days, I have heard many child abuses from the news. Annually the rate of committing child abuse is increasing. I really do not understand why such a dirty thing happens. According to the research of the child abuse, the crime usually happens in neighborhood. In general, neighbors are familiar each other, so it is easy to be known your child to the neighbors. Also children do not know well about the abuses, so the criminals use this point. To protect the awful crimes, the government needs to strengthen the punishment. In Korea, a person who committed a child abuse or any other sexual crime, he or she wears a wristlet, which detects the person. I believe that this will be helpful to decrease the child abuse.
Child abuse is one major problem the world sees today. it is not only the idea of producing physical pain, but physiological pain as well. Some children have been abused by their parents, adoptive parents, or in orphan homes. Some are bound to work for someone else, some are rented for sexual activity, others are physically abused. Either one, this is a problem that has changed our society. When a child is abused, the damage made is permanent. These kids develop trust and anger issues, and mostly leads to an increase in child abuse. even though thre may be nothing wrong with these children, they might believe otherwise, and this leads to alcohol and drug abuse. This is a serious problem because it leads to the death of children.
Actually, I don't know a lot about child abuse. I really see it as one of the worst actions a person can do. With only imaging an adult forcing a boy or a girl to do any kind of degrading thing, a real feeling of rejection (even hate) comes to my mind. As people had said in other comments, there are several kinds of child abuse; but the most important are the sexual abuse and the child labour.
Any description or definition of child sexual abuse must be left over. This kind of repugnant actions show the limits the man and the woman can reach when we leave our most evil insticts come out. The child sexual abuse is only seen in our species, you will never see an animal abusing his pup; that clearly shows the unnatural component implicit in the child sexual abuse.
Another disgusting offense is the child labour. In that case you are attacking the dignity of a child from another flank. Instead of damaging his physical and psychological integrity; you deprive him from a proper education an his right of childhood. The problem in here is bigger, because sexual pervert can be directly and hardly punished with prison or death; but the enterprises and governments that protect child labour are a much more different thing.
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