Thursday, February 22, 2007

Topic #6: IPhone and all the fuss around it

I have received the links of the articles Delemen would like to share with you about this exciting new tool of communication, and even though I am missing Aditya's material, I will go ahead and post what I have now. So here they are:;,

and the obvious choice;

Please, go ahead and read them through jotting down your standpoint on the subject.
To read the first to articles, you will have to log in with your career account information when opening the link.
In the meantime, if I get more material to share with you, I will update this post.

As always, have fun and take care,


Angie Chen said...

though iphone came out to the market like months ago, this is the first time i take a deep step into this high-tech stuff... obviously, iphone is a mix of cell phone, ipod and internet device.

my first doubt is what's the difference between iphone and nomal smart phone ( include cell phone, internet device, mp4 and camera)..? The technology of smart phone is not mature till now, how can iphone satisfy the market?

and as a girl, i may not good at playing high-tech devices...see if i broke the touch-control screen, how much will i pay to fix it since the iphone is at least 499 USD. and where can i got it fixed?

then i am wondering are the softwears going with iphone mature enough, because i really confused when i have to update my itune again and's boring and tiring...

all in all may be i will consider buying a iphone when it comes out the 2nd or 3rd generation. hopefully the softwears and services will be mature enough..~!

boon shern said...

Yeah the iphone is now on the market. So what’s the big deal?
Is it going to stop terrorism? Is it able to beam an object from one place to another? No!!. Iphone, is a device that possesses no new information to the people. So what if it’s a combination of a phone, an ipod, and a gateway to internet services? Personally, I see nothing new to the eye and I believe that the publication of the Iphone sales is just a way to make things easier for Apple's fruit market. At outrageous prices, Apple must personally be outta their mind in refusing to meet the demands of the people. Unless a futuristic device exists to suit my taste in technology, I simply can’t see what the fuss is all about a minature cheap device embodied out of metal.
Thank you.

Ozgur Delemen said...

Personally, I think you both have not read any of the sources I have given. You should investigate what an operating system is and which one the IPhone runs, what the new patented multi-touch technology is and what the sensors in the IPhone do (which no other smart phone has), before you write these blogs. The IPhone has not even been FAA approved which means it's not out in the market yet. It comes out in June!!! Without asking me questions, you should inform yourselves about this new anticipated technological outbreak by reading the sources I have supplied you with. Other smart phones such as Nokia N-80 costs way more and have less functions. People pay almost the same price for the IPod Video and now they can have the camera, the phone, and the internet browser along with the video for a few extra dollars.

Thank you.

Gisheilla Costa said...

Woww..what a high-tech product! I acknowledge that iPhone is a really modern and practical.. It combines a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device. This product may be useful for some people, and some may not. As a student, I don’t think I need it. I prefer to have my mobile phone, iPod, and laptop separately. Besides, it costs a lot of money. But in other case, executive people, for instance, they might need it because it can make their life much easier, and also it may help them in doing their business.
In my opinion, iPhone might be made for working people. Students that desire to have that product might not really need it. They just want to look fashionable and superb.
Maybe because I am not really interested in technology, I can’t really appreciate this new technology.

Erine Djayadi said...

I think the invention of iPhone is a good technology advancement. Obviously, there are some advantages that are very beneficial to us. We can tell that it is very practical form the multi featured devices including multi-touch screen mobile phone, an iPod (mp3),a camera, and a breakthrough internet communications tool all come together in just one handy pocket-size gear . Therefore, it is perfectly suitable for a person who is very active or travels a lot and still needs to keep up with the updates when he/she is on the road. Personally, I don't think I will purchase an iPhone for now. The reason is simply just because I prefer to do the internet browsing with a real computer/laptop with a larger screen. I find it uncomfortable to browse the internet with a small screen layout like from an iPhone. Furthermore, since I have already had an iPod as well as a cellphone, it will be a waste of money if I also buy an iPhone. However, I really like and support the idea of iPhone. May be one day I would get myself an iPhone.

Bejjanki said...

I do not consider myself technologically knowledgeable. I do own a cellular phone, an ipod and a palm pilot.

It isn't always easy to carry all of them around. So having all three of them in a single instrument is definitely great.

The upstart price of $499 is sure raising a few eyebrows. The cost of a regular video ipod ranges from $299 upwards. A name brand palm pilot costs at least on the upscale of $150(unsure) and a good phone varies according to the features it contains. My present phone has windows integrated into it and it cost me $100 after purchasing a network plan. And the iphone uses a version of the Mac OS. Putting 2 and 2 together we can see that the price of the instrument is reasonable.

I consider the iphone just another technological breakthrough and am all for it. Though i do have a simple concern, how often should we recharge them?

As i mentioned earlier i own a cell, ipod and a palm pilot and each of them vary in the amount of time i can use them before the battery goes down. Integrating all three into 1 just puts additional load on the battery, so how long is the average usage time?